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Cureus ; 16(2): e55182, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558613


Reconstruction of complex post-surgical wounds requires functional and aesthetic considerations. We present a case of a complex radial-dorsal forearm defect in a patient who underwent Mohs surgery for an aggressive and rapidly growing squamous cell carcinoma. Following complete tumor excision, we utilized a modified rhombic flap for complete wound coverage with long-term conservation of extensor function. The rhombic flap modification included three Z-plasties at the flap base to add rotational components to the flap transposition. Long-term follow-up showed acceptable cosmesis, preserved extensor tendon function, and no evidence of tumor recurrence.

SAGE Open Med Case Rep ; 12: 2050313X241242593, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559409


Necrotizing fasciitis is one of the most serious and deadly infections in surgery. The tissue defects that result after a severe infection with necrotizing fasciitis are often not easy to resolve surgically. The importance of this article is to show the reconstructive efficacy of the lotus petal flap based on two perforators. We present a 71-year-old female case with necrotizing fasciitis infection and defect of the region of the vulva (labia major) and perineum. We solved the reconstruction of the defect of the lower half of the labia major and the perineum, on the left side, by raising a fascio-cutaneous lotus petal flap along the gluteal fold, based on two perforators. Considering that the necrotizing fasciitis infection is very serious, it is also accompanied by large soft tissue defects. Raising the flap based on two perforators gives it greater vascular security and, at the same time, greater success in survival. We can conclude that the reconstruction of defects of the vulva and perineum with a lotus petal flap is a satisfactory solution and acceptable to the patient.

Cureus ; 16(3): e55354, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559514


Introduction The authors examined if the transparency in industry payments to foot and ankle-trained orthopedic surgeons resulted in the following changes to the (1) median general payments to surgeons, (2) trend in median payments to surgeons across all subcategory payments, and (3) trend in median payments to surgeons in 11 regions of the United States. Methods A retrospective review of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Open Payments Database (OPD) was performed to identify all industry payments made by drug and medical device companies to orthopedic surgeons (N = 3,835) between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2019. Descriptive statistics were calculated, and trend analyses in annual payments, number of payments to surgeons per year, payment subtypes, and regional distributions were analyzed. Results A total of 53,280 payments totaling $53,454,850.56 were made to orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons between 2014 and 2019. Mean and median payments were $1,003.28 and $60.19, respectively. Statistically significant differences in mean payment amounts were observed by year (p = 0.001) with a highly statistically significant, strong increase in the number of payments made over the six-year period (r = 0.97, p < 0.001). The greatest increases in median individual payments were observed for gifts (277.1%; r = 0.18, p = 0.05), education (250.6%; r = 0.17, p < 0.001), and royalties and licensing (72.1%; r = 0.05, p = 0.04). Statistically significant increasing trends in median payments over time were observed for the Northeast (p < 0.001) and South regions (p < 0.001). Discussion The results of this study demonstrate the increase in payments made across the six-year time period. The study demonstrates that there is a shift in the type of payments from speaker fees, entertainment, and lodging to education, gifts, honoraria, royalties, and consulting. Conclusion Since the OPD release, no significant decrease was identified in the financial relationship between foot and ankle surgeons and the industry; rather, an increase was observed. This increase in education, royalties, and consulting shows that more foot and ankle surgeons are getting involved in the industry, contrary to expectations. The partnership between industry and physicians can help to improve innovation and bring new ideas to the future of orthopedics.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560030


Objectives: Pharyngocutaneous fistula (PCF) is the most common complication to follow total laryngectomy (TL) and is associated with increases in length of hospital stay and with a need for revision surgery or readmission, as well as with delays in return to oral diet. Patients who require salvage TL (STL) or primary (chemo)radiation therapy are at higher risk for developing PCF. Due to the quality-of-life burden of PCF on patients, limiting this occurrence is crucial. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients undergoing STL with placement of Montgomery salivary bypass tube (MSBT)™ for at least 2 weeks duration between 2013 and 2017 at a single institution. Our patients all underwent free flap reconstruction. Our primary outcome of interest was development of PCF. Secondary outcomes included demographics, previous treatment, base of tongue (BOT) involvement, extent of defect, concurrent neck dissection (ND), and margin status. Univariate χ 2 analysis was used to evaluate factors associated with PCF. Results: Forty-four patients underwent STL with Montgomery tube placement and free flap reconstruction. Eight developed PCF (18.2%). The average age was 61.6 years; 36 patients were male (81.8%), whereas eight patients were female (18.2%). There was no association between PCF and previous chemoradiation versus radiation (15.8% vs. 33.3%, P < 0.30), BOT involvement versus not (11.1 vs. 22.2%, P < 0.38), circumferential versus partial defect (18.8% vs. 17.9%, P < 0.94), ND versus none (10% vs. 25%, P < 0.20), or margin status. Conclusion: PCF complicated 18.2% of STL cases at our institution and was not associated with differences in primary treatment modality, presence of concomitant ND, extent of pharyngeal defect, BOT involvement, or positive frozen or permanent surgical margin.

Front Oncol ; 14: 1371405, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38562168


Introduction: Mandibular reconstruction with the free fibula flap (FFF) has become a standardized procedure. The situation is different with oral rehabilitation, so the purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of implant placement and prosthetic restoration. Additionally, the patients' situation, motivation, and treatment course were structurally assessed. Materials and methods: All cases between January 2013 and December 2018 that underwent mandibular reconstruction in our department with a free fibula flap and gave written informed consent to participate were interviewed with two structured questionnaires about their restoration and quality of life. Additionally, medical records, general information, status of implants and therapy, and metric analyses of the inserted implants were performed. Results: In total 59 patients were enrolled and analyzed in this monocentric study. Overall, oral rehabilitation was achieved in 23.7% at the time of investigation. In detail, implants were inserted in 37.3% of patients and showed an 83.3% survival of dental implants. Of these implanted patients, dental implants were successfully restored with a prosthetic restoration in 63.6. Within this subgroup, satisfaction with the postoperative aesthetic and functional result was 79.9% and with the oral rehabilitation process was 68.2%. Satisfaction with the implant-borne prosthesis was 87.5%, with non-oral-squamous-cell-carcinoma patients being statistically significantly more content with the handling (p=0.046) and care (p=0.031) of the prosthesis. Discussion: Despite the well-reconstructed bony structures, there is a need to increase the effort of achieving oral rehabilitation, especially looking at the patient's persistent motivation for the procedure.

Forensic Sci Res ; 9(1): owad051, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38562551


Bullet ricochets are common occurrences during shooting incidents and can provide a wealth of information useful for shooting incident reconstruction. However, there have only been a small number of studies that have systematically investigated bullet ricochet impact site morphology. Here, this study reports on an experiment that examined the plan-view morphology of 297 ricochet impact sites in concrete that were produced by five different bullet types shot from two distances. This study used a random forest machine learning algorithm to classify bullet types with morphological dimensions of the ricochet mark (impact) with length and perimeter-to-area ratio emerging as the top predictor variables. The 0.22 LR leaves the most distinctive impact mark on the concrete, and overall, the classification accuracy using leave-one-out cross-validation is 62%, considerably higher than a random classification accuracy of 20%. Adding in distance to the model as a predictor increases the classification accuracy to 66%. These initial results are promising, in that they suggest that an unknown bullet type can potentially be determined, or at least probabilistically assessed, from the morphology of the ricochet impact site alone. However, the substantial amount of overlap this study documented among distinct bullet types' ricochet mark morphologies under highly controlled conditions and with machine learning suggests that the human identification of ricochet marks in real-world shooting incident reconstructions may be on occasion, or perhaps regularly, in error. Key points: Bullet ricochet impact sites can help with shooting incident reconstruction.A random forest machine learning algorithm classified bullet type from ricochet morphology.Results suggest that unknown bullets can potentially be determined from ricochet impact site morphology.Human identification of bullet types from ricochet sites may be erroneous.

Magy Seb ; 77(1): 1-5, 2024 Apr 02.
Artigo em Húngaro | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38564286


Elorehaladott szájüregi daganatok eltávolítása után kialakult kiterjedt szövethiányok helyreállítására funkciómegtartó céllal a leggyakrabban alkalmazott eljárás a mikrovaszkuláris technikával végzett szabad szövetátültetés. Hazánkban a felületes szájüregi hiányok helyreállítására a leggyakrabban választott szabadlebeny a radiális alkarlebeny. Elsosorban vastagabb vagy nagyobb kiterjedésu hiányokra alkalmazzuk az anterolateralis comblebenyt. Az alkarlebeny esetén azonban a donorterületi szövodményráta jóval magasabb. Vékonyított anterolateralis comblebeny a hátrányokat kiiktatva alkalmas lehet az alkarlebeny intraoralis alkalmazása helyett.A korábban nyelvtumor miatt operált, alkarlebennyel rekonstruált és besugarazott 69 éves nobetegnél a korábbi mutéti terület szélén a követéses kontrollvizsgálat során recidív tumort verifikáltunk. Az Onkoterápiás Bizottság döntését követoen a recidíva eltávolítását, tangencionális mandibula reszekciót és szabad lebenyes helyreállítást terveztünk tracheotomiás védelemben. Elozetes kézi dopplerrel és duplex ultrahanggal történo perforátor meghatározás után, a jobb combon a perforátorra centrálva 6 × 8 cm-es superficialis fascia rétegében vékonyított anterolateralis comblebenyt preparáltunk. A lebeny vastagsága 6-8 mm, az érnyél hossza 12 cm volt, mely az intraoralis hiányra ideális volt. A nyakon elkészített mikrosebészeti anasztomózis után a donorterületet primeren zártuk.A lebeny keringése mindvégig kielégíto volt. A tracheotomiát a posztoperatív 11. napon megszüntettük, perorális táplálkozása a posztoperatív 14. napon helyreállt.Az anterolateralis comblebeny sokrétusége az anatómiájában rejlik. A korábban csak nagyobb és vastagabb hiányokra használt anterolateralis comblebeny jó adaptálhatósága és megfelelo mérete miatt felületesebb hiányokra is alkalmas. A korábban alkarlebennyel helyreállított hiányok pótlására a hasonló tulajdonságokkal rendelkezo vékonyított anterolateralis comblebeny is alkalmazható azzal a jelentos elonyével együtt, hogy a donorhely morbiditása minimális az alkarlebennyel szemben.

Retalhos de Tecido Biológico , Coxa da Perna , Humanos , Coxa da Perna/cirurgia , Fáscia , Mandíbula
Am Surg ; : 31348241241681, 2024 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38565320


The distal bile duct was isolated and transected with a frozen section examination confirming the absence of malignancy. Attention was then shifted to constructing a 60 cm Roux limb by first identifying and transecting the proximal jejunum 40 cm from the ligamentum of Treitz. A side-to-side stapled jejunojejunostomy anastomosis was completed. The Roux limb was transposed toward the porta hepatis through an antecolic approach.

J Vasc Surg ; 2024 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38565344


BACKGROUND: Covered endovascular reconstruction of aortic bifurcation (CERAB) is increasingly utilized as a first line treatment in patients with aorto-iliac occlusive disease (AIOD). We sought to compare the outcomes of patients undergoing CERAB compared to the gold standard of aorto-bifemoral bypass (ABF). METHODS: The Vascular Quality Initiative was queried for patients undergoing ABF or CERAB from 2009-2021. Propensity scores were generated using demographics, comorbidities, Rutherford class, and urgency. The two groups were matched using 5-to-1 nearest neighbor match. Our primary outcomes were 1-year estimates of primary patency, major adverse limb events (MALE), MALE-free survival, reintervention-free survival, and amputation-free survival. Standard statistical methods were utilized. RESULTS: 3,944 ABF and 281 CERAB cases in total were identified. Of all patients with AIOD, the proportion of CERAB increased from 0% to 17.9% between 2009-2021. Compared to ABF, patients undergoing CERAB were more likely to be older (64.7 vs. 60.2; p<.001) and more often had diabetes (40.9% vs. 24.1%; p<.001) and end-stage renal disease (1.1% vs. 0.3%; P=.03). In the matched analysis (229 CERAB vs. 929 ABF), ABF patients had improved MALE-free survival (93.2% [±0.9%] vs. 83.2% [±3%]; p<.001) and lower rates of MALE (5.2% [±0.9%] vs. 14.1% [±3%]; p<.001), with comparable primary patency rates (98.3% [±0.3%] vs. 96.6% [±1%]; p=.6) and amputation-free survival (99.3% [±0.3%] vs. 99.4% [±0.6%]; p=.9). Patients in the CERAB group had significantly lower reintervention-free survival (62.5% ± [6%] vs. 92.9% ± [0.9%]; p<.001). Matched analysis also revealed shorter LOS (1 vs. 7 days; p<.001), as well as lower pulmonary (1.2% vs. 6.6%; p=.01), renal (1.8% vs. 10%; p<.001), and cardiac (1.8% vs. 12.8%; p<.001) complications among CERAB patients. CONCLUSION: CERAB had lower perioperative morbidity compared to ABF with a similar primary patency 1-year estimates. However, patients undergoing CERAB experienced more major adverse limb events and reinterventions. Although CERAB is an effective treatment of patients with AIOD, further studies are needed to determine the long-term outcomes of CERAB compared to the established durability of ABF and further define the role of CEARB in treatment of AIOD.

Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 2024 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38565725


INTRODUCTION: When planning for breast augmentation, it is important to consider not only implant choice, surgical technique and patient desires, but also the chest wall shape and deformities or irregularities, which remain often underestimated. They can be responsible for implant malposition and breast asymmetry after augmentation. Chondrocostal junction prominence is a minor but frequent chest wall deformity. The aim of this study is to report a new technique for sculpturing isolated chondrocostal prominence deformities in patients undergoing breast augmentation. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted to review surgical outcomes of a novel technique for costal prominence sculpturing and reshaping in patients undergoing breast augmentation. After reaching the subpectoral space, an inferiorly-based perichondral-periosteal flap is harvested just above the prominence. Once the deformity is corrected, the perichondral flap is repositioned over the sculpted rib. RESULTS: A total of six patients presenting with isolated chondrocostal prominence underwent bilateral breast implant placement and costal reduction using the described technique. Three patients were primary augmentations while the remaining patients were two secondary breast augmentation and one augmentation mastopexy. No complications were reported. No additional pain was referred at the side of rib remodelling in comparison with the contralateral breast. All the patients were satisfied with cosmetic results. CONCLUSIONS: The described technique for contouring of isolated chondrocostal deformities is fast, easy reproducible and offers advantages over the standard partial rib reduction technique. It can prevent implant malposition and projection asymmetry, eventually enhancing breast augmentation outcomes. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE V: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38566538


PURPOSE: Risk factors for the development of symptomatic cyclops lesion after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) surgery are not entirely identified yet. This study aimed to investigate whether the choice of hamstring graft (semitendinosus-gracilis; STG vs. semitendinosus; ST) affects the risk of developing a symptomatic cyclops lesion after ACLR. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included 1416 patients receiving either an ST graft (n = 1209) or an STG graft (n = 207) ACLR with a follow-up of at least 2 years. A persisting extension limitation was clinically determined, and cyclops lesions were confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and second-look arthroscopy. Graft-specific incidence of cyclops lesions was examined with χ2 test and combined with the factors number of graft bundles, graft diameter and sex evaluated with a binominal logistic regression model. RESULTS: In total, 46 patients developed symptomatic cyclops lesions (3.2%), with 36 having ACLR with an ST graft (3.0%) and 10 with an STG graft (4.8%) (n.s). The mean time from ACLR to the second-look arthroscopy for cyclops removal was 1.1 ± 0.6 years. Female patients were 2.5 times more likely to develop a cyclops lesion than male patients. Patients with an STG graft and larger graft diameters did not have a higher risk of developing cyclops lesions. Patients who received an STG graft with both tendons folded four times (double-quadruple) had significantly higher risk of developing a cyclops compared with all other numbers of graft bundles combined (8.3%, respectively 3.0%; p = 0.014). CONCLUSION: This study could not prove an increased risk of developing a symptomatic cyclops lesion for patients with an STG graft compared with an ST graft used for ACLR. However, patients with a double-quadruple ACLR had a higher percentage of cyclops lesions compared with all other numbers of graft bundles. Female sex was associated with an increased risk of developing cyclops lesions. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level III.

Laryngoscope ; 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38568079


OBJECTIVE: To investigate sociodemographic and healthcare system barriers to access and utilization of alternative treatments to positive airway pressure (PAP) in the management of adult obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). DATA SOURCES: PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases were searched from 2003 to 2023 for English-language studies containing original data on sociodemographic and healthcare system barriers to PAP-alternative treatments for adult OSA. REVIEW METHODS: Studies were assessed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines. Title and abstract screening, full-text review, and data collection were conducted by two investigators independently. RESULTS: Out of 1,615 studies screened, 13 studies met inclusion criteria and reported on a total of 1,206,115 patients who received PAP alternative treatments, including surgery (n = 9 studies), and oral appliances (OAs) (n = 3 studies). The chance of receiving a PAP-alternative treatment such as surgery was greater among patients aged 39 years or younger, had body mass index below 30 kg/m2, fewer comorbidities, private insurance, and a higher occupational and income status. The decision of individuals to receive PAP alternative treatments was influenced by increased patient education from providers, as well as improvements in daytime sleepiness and partner perception of snoring and apnea. CONCLUSION: Cumulative evidence suggests that several sociodemographic and healthcare system factors are associated with decreased use of PAP alternatives when PAP therapy fails. Investigation of interventions to eliminate these potential barriers may improve access and treatment outcomes. Laryngoscope, 2024.

Hernia ; 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38568350


BACKGROUND: Surgical management of large ventral hernias (VH) has remained a challenge. Various techniques like anterior component separation and posterior component separation (PCS) with transversus abdominis release (TAR) have been employed. Despite the initial success, the long-term efficacy of TAR is not yet comprehensively studied. Authors aimed to investigate the early-, medium-, and long-term outcomes and health-related quality of life (QoL) in patients treated with PCS and TAR. METHODS: This multicenter retrospective study analyzed data of 308 patients who underwent open PCS with TAR for primary or recurrent complex abdominal hernias between 2015 and 2020. The primary endpoint was the rate of hernia recurrence (HR) and mesh bulging (MB) at 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 months. Secondary outcomes included surgical site events and QoL, assessed using EuraHS-QoL score. RESULTS: The average follow-up was 38.3 ± 12.7 months. The overall HR rate was 3.5% and the MB rate was 4.7%. Most of the recurrences were detected by clinical and ultrasound examination. QoL metrics showed improvement post-surgery. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the long-term efficacy of PCS with TAR in the treatment of large and complex VH, with a low recurrence rate and an improvement in QoL. Further research is needed for a more in-depth understanding of these outcomes and the factors affecting them.

Updates Surg ; 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38568357


PURPOSE: To compare the surgical safety and postoperative quality of life (QOL) between side overlap anastomosis (SOA) and double-tract anastomosis (DTA) after laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy (LPG). METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included 43 patients with proximal gastric cancer (PGC) who underwent LPG and were admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University between August 2020 and December 2022 were in. Their clinical and follow-up data were collected. The patients were divided into the modified SOA (mSOA) (n = 20) and DTA (n = 23) groups based on the anastomosis methods used. The main outcome measures included the QOL of patients 1 year after surgery, and the evaluation criteria were based on the postgastrectomy syndrome assessment scale. Secondary outcome measures included intraoperative and postoperative conditions, postoperative long-term complications and nutritional status 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery. RESULTS: No significant differences were observed in intraoperative and postoperative conditions (P > 0.05) between the mSOA and DTA groups. The mSOA group showed a decreased incidence of reflux esophagitis 1 year after surgery compared with the DTA group (P < 0.05), and no statistically significant differences were noticed between the two groups in terms of other postoperative complications (P > 0.05). The mSOA group showed better QOL when compared with the DTA group (P < 0.05). No significant differences were recorded in postoperative nutritional status between the two groups (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: The efficacy and safety of LPG with mSOA for PGC were comparable. When compared with the DTA group, the mSOA group seems to show reduced incidence of gastroesophageal reflux and improved QOL, which makes mSOA one of the ideal surgical methods for PGC.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558103


PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical outcomes following arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (ACLR) in patients over 60 years and to investigate the potential impact of preoperative osteoarthritis (OA) on these outcomes. METHODS: A retrospective study included ACL-injured patients over 60 years who underwent primary arthroscopic ACLR between 2010 and 2020. The Lysholm score and the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) score were assessed preoperatively and at the final follow-up. The Tegner activity scale was performed to evaluate patients' activity levels. Data on return to sports, patient satisfaction, subsequent injuries and complications were collected. Preoperative radiographs were used to grade OA according to the Kellgrene-Lawrence classification. Correlation analysis between OA and clinical outcomes was performed. The rates of achieving the minimal clinically significant difference and patient-acceptable symptoms state were documented. RESULTS: A total of 37 patients were included in this study. The mean age at surgery was 62.3 ± 2.3 years, with a mean follow-up of 6.3 ± 3.2 years (range: 2.1-12.4). Patients showed statistically significant (all p < 0.001) improvements in the mean IKDC (38.9 ± 9.4-66.8 ± 12.5), Lysholm (48.8 ± 15.4-83.0 ± 12.8) and Tegner (1-3) scores. Fourteen patients (37.8%) returned to sports. No correlation was observed between the degree of preoperative OA and clinical outcomes (n.s.). CONCLUSION: Patients over 60 years with symptomatic ACL-deficient knees could benefit from ACLR, even when mild to moderate OA is present preoperatively. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV.

J Plan Hist ; 23(2): 110-125, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560368


The Community Planning Association of Canada (CPAC) advocated for the re-establishment of planning in post-war Canada. During this period, the federal government set reconstruction objectives, and both Central (now Canada) Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the CPAC were formed. We believe that 1944-1947 was a critical juncture establishing planned suburban development in Canada as a path-dependent process with tremendous momentum into the 21st-century. Using a historical-institutional approach, the role of CMHC and the influence of the CPAC is examined. Analysis relying on extensive archival material demonstrates that the CPAC gave a tremendous push along the path-dependent process of suburbanization.

J Esthet Restor Dent ; 2024 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563216


OBJECTIVE: Occlusal reconstruction is a critical intervention for patients with dental hard tissue defects, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, and jaw position abnormalities. Clinical efficiency and outcomes of these procedures have improved with advances in digital technologies. This case report aims to illustrate a comprehensive digital workflow for occlusal reconstruction in a patient with congenital dentition defects, emphasizing the application of digital technologies to enhance treatment outcomes. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS: A 28-year-old woman with previously installed porcelain-fused-to-metal bridge restorations presented with a fractured prosthesis and TMJ symptoms. A multidisciplinary approach was adopted involving the use of digital facebow, intraoral scanners, digital smile design, and CAD/CAM technologies. The process included the extraction of defective restorations, temporary restorations to refine jaw position, and final permanent restorations. The digital workflow facilitated precise diagnostics and treatment, culminating in the successful installation of permanent restorations. Regular follow-ups at one- and three-months post-treatment confirmed stable occlusal function and high patient satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: This case report showcases the potential of multiple digital technologies to streamline complex dental treatments and achieve high-quality results. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The integration of digital technologies in occlusal reconstruction treatments offers significant benefits in terms of precision, patient comfort, and esthetic outcomes.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563648


PURPOSE: Although the Dejour classification is the primary classification system for evaluating trochlear dysplasia, concerns have been raised about its reliability owing to its qualitative criteria and challenges associated with obtaining accurate radiographs. This study aimed to quantify trochlear dysplasia using three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) reconstruction with novel parameters related to the transepicondylar axis (TEA). METHODS: Sixty patients were enrolled, including 20 with trochlear dysplasia and 40 healthy controls. The 3D CT model was generated using the Materialise Interactive Medical Image Control System software. The following six parameters were measured in eight consecutive planes at 15° intervals (planes 0-105): the distance from the TEA to the most cortical point of the lateral condyle ('LP-TEA', where LP stands for lateral peak), medial condyle ('MP-TEA', MP for medial peak) and deepest point of the trochlea ('TG-TEA', TG for trochlear groove). The distances from the medial epicondyle (MEC) to the corresponding TEA points were measured ('LP-MEC', 'MP-MEC' and 'TG-MEC'). RESULTS: In the dysplasia group, TG-TEA (planes 0, 15 and 30) and MP-MEC (planes 0, 15 and 30) were significantly greater than those in the control group (all p < 0.05 for planes of TG-TEA and MP-MEC). For type A dysplasia, LP-MEC (plane 0) was greater than that in the control group. For type B dysplasia, the MP-MEC (planes 0 and 15) and TG-TEA (planes 0 and 15) were greater than those of the control group. For type D dysplasia, MP-MEC (planes 0, 15 and 30) and TG-TEA (planes 0 and 15) were elevated. CONCLUSION: The 3D CT reconstruction analysis established a reproducible method for quantifying osseous trochlear morphology. Patients with trochlear dysplasia had a shallow TG and narrow medial trochlear width at tracking angles of 0°-30°. This finding corroborates the clinical manifestations of recurrent patellar instability that occur during early flexion. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level III.

Surg Case Rep ; 10(1): 77, 2024 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38564037


BACKGROUND: In liver transplant patients with hypoplastic portal vein (PV), when the narrowed segment is extended too deep into the dorsal side of the pancreas, it is difficult and dangerous to reconstruct the interposition graft from the upper part of the pancreas. Herein, we present a case of PV reconstruction with the autologous mesosystemic shunt vessel from the caudal side of the pancreas in a situation where the narrowed PV was deep, and we discuss the technical details. CASE PRESENTATION: A 25-year-old woman presented with cholestatic liver cirrhosis due to biliary atresia after Kasai procedure. Since her jaundice progressed, she was referred to our hospital for liver transplantation. Laboratory tests showed that her total bilirubin was elevated to 7.6 mg/dL. The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score was 18, and the Child-Pugh score was 9 (Grade B). She underwent living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) using a right hemi-liver graft procured from her 54-year-old mother. The conventional approach from the cephalad side to the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) and splenic vein (SpV) confluence behind the pancreas was extremely difficult in this case because the confluence of SMV and SpV was close to the lower edge of the pancreas. Therefore, we decided to perform PV reconstruction from the caudal side. The main trunk of PV was documented as narrow (5 mm in diameter), for which retro-pancreatic pull-through PV reconstruction was successfully performed using her own mesosystemic shunt vessel. A contrast computed tomography (CT) scan was performed on postoperative day 5 because of an elevation of D-dimer and found a partial thrombus in the left pulmonary artery, as well as in the PV and left renal vein. Thereafter, thrombolytic therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin was started immediately and switched to a direct oral anticoagulant. The follow-up CT taken 3 months after liver transplantation revealed a patent PV without thrombus; therefore, anticoagulant therapy was discontinued. Currently, the patient has been well and active with a patent PV without anticoagulant therapy for 3 years after LDLT. CONCLUSIONS: Retro-pancreatic pull-through reconstruction of the hypoplastic PV is a feasible and effective method when conventional reconstruction is not indicated.

Heliyon ; 10(7): e28254, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571588


Purpose: The large resection area of perianal tumor makes the skin defect hard to reconstruct. The keystone flap has demonstrated a growing application in skin defects. Herein, we aimed to explore the efficacy of keystone flap in the repair of skin defect after perianal tumor resection. Methods: This study is a retrospective review of patients diagnosed with perianal tumor from January 2010 to November 2021. A standardized data collection template was used to collect variables. The detailed process of the reconstructive surgery is carefully described in this article. After surgery, the healing process was closely observed. Results: Twenty patients underwent keystone flap repair. The average wound size before closure measured 3.5 × 4.9 cm2. Primary wound healing was achieved, and the flap survived during the follow up period, which ranged from 6 to 24 months. No severe complications occurred; slight edema was noticed in one patient. Conclusion: The application of keystone flap is a promising way to repair skin defect after tumor removal, and the complications rate was low after surgery. It can be concluded that this method is an effective and reliable way to repair perianal skin defect.
